} angeline <3.

so cute!..
on the 21st all the p5 students can go to watch ndp show very nice 2 watch leh. i get a fun pack wif super lots of stuff n very heavy.lai yeng help me carry cause i need to carry 2 bags she only need to carry 1.wa lao eh i almost become deaf when i come home .cause everybody there keep shouting. i also took lots of picture from the ndp show.my fun pack colour is yellow(yellow,yellow dirty fellow lols..)actually i take is the other yellow but yin shan go take loh inside hav national day song lor some people have some people dun hav.she lucky.but ritez after that she not lucky liao cause her fun pack suddenly the zip spoil but heng arh can zip back.phewwww..
today i gave someone a free haircut.he disturd me i get really angry so i took a scissors n i tell him not 2 move thn if he move i cut thn really leh.all the hair come out.he say i tell teacher.blah blah...hav1 k.p.o she go the toliet there he cry so i also lah cause i scare wat.thn he twll mdm selvi she scold me loh.she call my parents thn blah blah blah..
:( .it is so sad that ur love one r going somewhere far....cryyy...............:(:(.stay happy always kk??.
badluck sai MR ZIANI MY HEALTH ED TEACHER AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i almost hav heart attack sai!!he like to disturb plp.beat him before hit his leg.lols...
today on 7,july very sian sia nth 2 do at home fa dia sitin at the sofa keep huhh.....over there lols
...later play pet toys thn talk 2 myself lik stupid stupid..........
That Girl ♥
Name:Angeline Sim
School:Shuqun Primary School
Birthdate:27 Dec 1996
MSN: ***_***_***@hotmail.com
More Toys
More Clothes
luvss last foreva:)
Friendship will last foreva